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Help for Sophie!

Anasazi recently received the note below from a mom seeking scholarship assistance.

Sophie is a 15 year-old whose bright light in this world was dimmed after surviving a violent assault. Although she showed incredible bravery seeking legal justice for herself, the process and the social stigma took their own toll. Sophie struggles with self-harm and suicidal ideation, lack of self-worth, and engaging in impulsive and risky behaviors as coping mechanisms. Her parents feel like Anasazi could be a life changing experience for her, as the values Anasazi demonstrates through their program are inline with the family’s core values. Sophie is an old soul with a creative spirit who just needs that spark to make her light shine again.

Can you help Anasazi fund Sophie’s care?

Anasazi seeks directed donations when requested by fully committed parents with a willing child and the likelihood of positive outcome. Please contact our development team at 480-892-7403 or [email protected] if you or someone you know might be in a position to help. Anasazi Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charity, and donations are tax-deductible.