Parent Coaching Program
Hearts@Peace: Resolving Parent-Child Conflict

Conflicts at home—whether they arise from disrespect, entitlement, mobile-phone usage, peer influence, school refusal, or other triggers—are often symptoms of a deeper issue. With more than 36 years of experience helping parents and children restore trust and strengthen relationships, Anasazi can help!
Anasazi’s renowned Hearts@Peace parent-coaching program illuminates issues at the heart of the conflict, then teaches parents how to resolve them. The course features a one-day workshop based on Arbinger Institute’s bestseller The Anatomy of Peace PLUS six weeks of individualized, private coaching from an experienced Anasazi clinician who helps parents apply what they have learned.
Workshops and coaching can be delivered in-person or online, depending on the family’s needs.
The cost is $1,000 per individual or $1,250 per couple.
Program Details
In-Person or Online
Conflict-resolution training for parents, extended family, and/or other caregivers
An 8-hour seminar plus six weeks of individualized follow-up coaching
Courses begin every two weeks
$1,000 per individual, $1,250 per couple