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Can you help Izzy?

Sixteen year-old Isabella (Izzy) is struggling with depression, self-harm, and other serious concerns following her mom’s recent passing. Despite everything, she continues to do well in school, particularly in language arts. Her dad and stepmom are increasingly concerned, however, as Izzy’s struggles intensify and her outgoing personality turns inward. They’ve tried extensive outpatient therapy and sought assistance from other programs, but they believe Anasazi can help Izzy revive her once bright future and eventually serve others battling similar issues.

Can you help Izzy rediscover the light within? She’s received some scholarships (from Anasazi’s annual fund and a partner foundation) but her family needs an additional $10,000 to $15,000.

Anasazi seeks directed donations when requested by fully committed parents with a willing child and the likelihood of positive outcome. Please contact our development team at 480-892-7403 or [email protected] if you or someone you know might be in a position to help.