Intervention Training for Parents

Anatomy of Peace
Intervention Training For Parents
Anasazi Foundation offers intervention training for parents and professionals. The training is an integral part of the parents’ experience at Anasazi. It examines the fundamental elements of effective communication, responsibility, conflict resolution, lasting change, trust, cooperation, loyalty, and commitment in personal relationships. Facilitators are trained and certified.
The training draws from material found in The Anatomy of Peace by the Arbinger Institute and in Anasazi Foundation’s The Seven Paths: Changing One’s Way of Walking in the World.
Trainings are held weekly at Anasazi’s office in Mesa, Arizona. The cost is $250 for an individual or $400 for a couple.
Parents and caregivers who attend the training are welcome to return to the training at the Anasazi site for up to a year with no additional charge ($150 fee for replacement/new materials if necessary).
Contact Anasazi for registration information.