Why Support Us?

Why Support Anasazi?
Jamie, 17, called her mother from jail for help. This was her third arrest in four months, this time for shoplifting and possession of marijuana. She dropped out of school when she was sixteen. Constantly in fights with her parents, she seldom came home at night. Given a choice between jail and participating in an Anasazi Walking, Jamie chose Anasazi.
It was there that Jamie learned to take responsibility for her choices and recognize the importance of God and family in her life. While she was in the wilderness, her parents attended Anasazi’s seminar on relationships and worked closely with Jamie’s Anasazi counselor. They learned the power of emotional honesty and forgiveness in healing and strengthening family relationships. Jamie emerged from the “trail” forty-two days later, physically, mentally and spiritually a healthier person. When her mother and step-father joined her for the last three days in the wilderness, there were hugs, tears, apologies, and expressions of gratitude. Jamie’s heart had changed–and so had her parents’.The founders of Anasazi believe children such as Jamie can best be helped by strengthening and healing family relationships. Many parents, such as Jamie’s, have exhausted themselves emotionally, and often financially, in their efforts to save their family. Anasazi Foundation offers scholarships to families with little or no financial means to secure needed help. Scholarships are funded through private donations and charity events such as the Annual Scholarship Dinner and Steve Young Classic golf tournaments in Phoenix, Arizona and Park City, Utah.
Anasazi Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)3 charitable organization. Any profits realized are used to fund scholarships for families with little or no financial resources to participate.
Please consider supporting Anasazi Foundation’s annual scholarship fund.